In this section, you will learn the different syntax of how to define a function in Kotlin. To create your own function, use the fun keyword, and write the function name, followed by parentheses. Y...
Kotlin Basics
The Kotlin programming language is a modern language that provides you with more power for your everyday tasks. Kotlin is concise, safe, pragmatic, and focused on interoperability with Java code. I...
Command Design Pattern
Command Design Pattern is a behavioral design pattern that turns a request(action or operation) into a stand-alone object that contains all information about the request. The command design patter...
Adapter Design Pattern
Adapter Design Pattern is used so that two unrelated or incompatible interfaces can work together. The main goal for this pattern is to convert an existing interface into another one the client exp...
Decorator Design Pattern
Decorator Design Pattern is used for adding new behaviours to objects either statically or dynamically without affecting the behavior of other objects from the same class. We can extend object’...
Dockerize a Spring Boot Application
Docker is a Linux container management tool that enables users to publish their own container images and download those that are published by others. The way to containerize your application is to...
File Compress/Decompress Operations
When we develop code with Java, we often work with files and different types of them. In general, we need compression operations to keep the file content intact and to reduce the file size. Althou...
Useful Git Commands
development is your working branch - git pull // gets last updates from your branch - git checkout BRANCH_NAME // changes your working branch - git checkout -D BRANCH_NAME // deletes your branch b...
Variables and Basic DataTypes
Although Java is object oriented, not all types are object. There are primitive types as well. Here is a list of all primitive types in Java: Primitive Datatypes: Data Type ...
Binary Search
In the following example, you will see the recursive binary search algorithm implementation in Java language. class BinarySearch { public static void main(String args[]) { BinarySearch binaryS...